Stata 12 se
Stata 12 se

stata 12 se

save translate outfile='C:\data\hsb2.dta'. To use SPSS syntax use the save translate command as seen below. Type the file name and click Save to save the Stata file. Save as type select the type of Stata file needed.

stata 12 se

Using the pull down menus select File then Save As… and then for SPSS supports Stata data files and can easily save an SPSS file as a Stata file through the point and click interface or syntax. If you are using the 64-bit version, the using must be omitted. The example below uses the 32-bit version of

should carefully read the help file associated with usespss before using the command for the first time. There is a beta version for 64-bit installations which can be installed in 64-bit Stata with the command net from The usespss command is currently only available for 32-bit installations of Stata. Both compressed and non-compressed SPSS files can be read. The user-written Stata ado-file usespss can be used to read SPSS data into Stata. import spss using "D:\data\hsbdemo.sav", case(lower)

Stata 12 se